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Mixed-use building – Silves, Faro, Portugal

2,500,000 €
3,125 € /m²
£2,658 /m²
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  • Total area
    800 m²
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  • Land area: 800 m²

On offer is an exceptional unique freehold property and business in Silves, Central Algarve. Nestled against the medieval castle walls, the property, built in 1929 originally as a home for the mayor, is of historical significance in the town. From its prominent position it enjoys magnificent views over the rooftops of Silves with far reaching vistas from the roof terraces. Currently, a well-established and family owned business is conducted from the premises. Café Ingles has been owned and run by the same lady for the last 30 years and is a favorite with tourists and locals. The owner proudly maintains a visitor’s book, which is filled with praises received from satisfied customers over the years. Comprising three floors, the property has delightful features throughout — a stunning example of the best in local architecture. With an overall square meterage of 800 m² (200 m² building and 600 m² of terrace), the property provides more than ample space to allow the imagination to run wild in either how the current business may be continued, expanded or alternatively how the space could be utilised differently. The lower floor of the building is being used at the moment as an ice-cream parlor, however the possibilities are endless. The middle floor is the main sala of the restaurant with a second separate eating area and also houses the main kitchen, storage. staff room and office. The roof terraces are accessed from the stairs within the middle section of the building. These roof terraces are the real secret of Café Ingles. Contained within this section are two separate roof gardens and a large roof terrace, which currently provides space for approximately 90 additional covers. The upper terraces also have a wooden pizza oven and bar/holding area for clientele waiting to dine on the delicious food that Café Ingles offers. The vistas from the terraces are breathtaking and need to be seen to be believed. The gardens are not currently being used to their full potential however offer fantastic opportunities to hold functions and weddings under the actual walls of the medieval castle. This property can be bought as a going concern or for conversion to another use, or as a home, subject to planning permission. Included within the offer price is all equipment and fixtures and fittings.

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