Overseas property

Tranio's year in review: 12 overseas development projects, multilingual websites, new offices and expansion plans for 2019

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In 2018, Tranio offered clients new turnkey investment solutions, namely its own overseas property development and redevelopment projects. Plans for 2019 include the creation of a cross-border online property investment platform for investors with budgets starting from €500.

12 value-added projects in Europe

Tranio's team helped clients buy about 200 properties in 2018, 78 of which are commercial properties that provide a stable income in a foreign currency. The company's revenue has grown 1.5 times as against 2017.

A new area of growth for the company is its own value-added projects. At present, we are already working on 12 development and redevelopment projects in Germany, Greece, Spain and the UK.

‘Before our very eyes the next generation of investors is being shaped, who have already gained experience in the rental business, or other types of foreign investment, and are ready to take calculated risks for the sake of obtaining 8-15% per annum’, said George Kachmazov, Tranio managing partner.

The ground floor construction of a residential unit in Hamburg, one of the projects Tranio launched in 2018, coming to a close in December

Plans for 2019 include the launching of the world's first cross-border online property investment platform. Tranio will offer investors three types of solutions depending on their budget: individual projects (from €2mn), club deals (€100,000 –2mn) and crowdfunding (from €500). Investment in the rental business, property development and redevelopment abroad will be available online.

3 new offices in Russia and abroad

Tranio's team has expanded in 2018 by 35 experts in sales, analytics and marketing, opening three new offices in Athens, Berlin and Samara. Tranio employees now cover seven languages: Chinese, English, German, Italian, Persian, Spanish and Turkish.

In June, we gathered in the Moscow Region to meet face-to-face the colleagues from the new offices

Comments in Forbes and Financial Times

Tranio's cross-border real estate investment expertise is growing. We continue our cooperation with Russian-language media: Tranio's articles have been published over 120 times, and we have given 70 expert comments in 2018. Tranio has also launched a channel on Yandex Zen.

An important area of growth is promoting Tranio in foreign languages. This year our expert comments have been published by major English-language business media outlets: The Financial Times and Forbes. Tranio's study on Russian-speaking investors in Germany was published by Business Insider Deutschland and Die Welt. Our material on the main international market trends is available for download from the Global Property Guide, the largest English-language real estate web portal. We are featured on Chinese media, and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China has published Mr Kachmazov's comments on buying property in Athens. The crowd-marketing department, which is in charge of promoting Tranio on the Web, now speaks 7 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Russian and Turkish.

In 2018, we took part in such trade fairs as EXPO REAL in Munich, Prodexpo and MR&H in Athens, and MIPIM in Cannes. In late December, Tranio organised a joint seminar on investing in German development projects with Ernst & Young.

Tranio's team after the second day of EXPO REAL

Tranio's website is now available in 8 languages

The numbers of visitors to the Russian and English versions of the website have grown by a quarter: today, we register 9,000–11,000 daily visits. The number of property purchase enquiries from abroad grew from 7,000 in 2017 to 9,000 in 2018. This year we have launched Turkish, Greek and Chinese versions of the website — Tranio is now available in 8 languages.

According to Mr Kachmazov, the launch of Tranio.cn is associated with the growing interest that Chinese nationals are showing towards international property: ‘We believe the number of transactions we close with Chinese buyers will grow five fold, including through the Chinese version of our website in the coming year’.

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    Tranio’s managers offer advice on buying real estate overseas
    Marina Filichkina
    Marina Filichkina
    Head of Sales Tranio Thailand, Europe
    +44 17 4822 0039
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